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CSW 8 - Introduction to Computer Science

Summer 2022 (B) with Prof K

Welcome to CMPSCW 8: Introduction to Computer Science at UCSB!

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Use links at the top of this page to access the main course resources (most were mentioned in the Syllabus).

This site is provided just as a convenience for quick access and searching: Gauchospace is the main hub for all course-related links.

Week 1 Wrap-up

Aug 5 · 3 min read

🐣 Week 1: Intro to Python 3

End of the week review

Happy Aloha Friday! 🌺

Welcome to the course! You successfully made it to the end of Week 1!🏝️ Congratulations!

I was informed this morning that there was an issue with the waitlist, so it stayed open much longer than we were expecting.

This is a very fast-paced course, so you need to ensure that you are keeping track of the due dates and are proactively keeping up with (or staying ahead of) the course material. The material will build on itself every week, but things will get much easier with practice.

To accommodate students who were added late and give them a little more time for practice, the whole class gets the benefit of an extended deadline.🎊 Whatever progress you have made on the PA01, CA01, and the LA01 Checkpoint labs by the original Friday, Aug 5, 11PM (PT) deadline, a percentage of that score will be added to your grade as a bonus.🎊

Otherwise, Week 1 activities (PA01, CA01, LA01) are now going to be due together with the Week 2 activities (PA02, CA02, LA02 checkpoint labs). I hope it helps everyone start this class with a solid foundation.

⏰ Due dates and Deadlines ⏰

All times are in Pacific time (California). zyBooks activities are always due at 11PM.

  • Friday, Aug 5 - 11PM:
    • fill out the Welcome survey and submit it by on Gauchospace (see the bottom of the Week 1 tab there)
  • Wednesday, Aug 10 - 10:30AM:
    • Quiz01 opens on Gauchospace. The 15-minute quiz will cover Week 1 material and will close at 11:00AM. DSP students will receive their appropriate timing adjustment.
  • Friday, Aug 12 - 11PM:
    • ⏰ Due: PA01, PA02
    • ⏰ Due: CA01, CA02
    • ⏰ Due: LA01 - all non-optional Week 1 zyLabs
    • ⏰ Due: LA02 CHECKPOINT labs - all Week 2 zyLabs with “checkpoint” in the title
    • ⏰ Due: Weekly reflection that will be posted on Gauchospace

➡️ Staying on Track

Looking ahead to Week 2, your tasks for the upcoming days are:

  • If you were newly-added to the course, please watch the Week 1 recordings.
  • Finish reading zyBooks Week 1 and Week 2 chapters
  • Write down anything that’s unclear and questions to ask during the class and/or in the office hours and/or on Piazza
  • Work on completing Week 1 lab activities (LA01); LA02 will open up mid-week

💎 Helpful tips

  • Do not try to go through the content as fast as possible - slow down and pay attention to what you are doing.
  • Do not spend more than two hours in a row working in zyBooks. Use the Pro tip that we shared with you.
  • Do not try to memorize everything! This class has an open-book and open-notes policy, so do not hesitate to use them for reference.
  • We will work with strings, tuples, lists, and dictionaries a lot in the following weeks, so we will revisit them again.
  • Get a sense of what each data structure (the data type) does by noticing their similarities and differences (use the table on the slides from Class03 or on the website).
  • The “📎 Quick access” notes within the zyBooks sections point you to the resources you will definitely need to reference, so make a note of them.

We look forward to a great quarter and to working with you!

Prof K and the mentors

Previous Announcements