Central hub for organizing CSW8 roles
A repo with the roles and responsibilities
Click on the “W22 Mentors” at the top to get to this page (https://ucsb-csw8.github.io/w22-staff/)
Weekly Schedule
ALL / TEAM are used interchangeably
- CCO: Address forum messages and create relevant resources in zyBook or on the website; help the CIO and CLO update the notes for the weekly review.
- CRK: Check the meeting notes and follow-up regarding the completion of the action items.
- ALD: Collect common challenges, misconceptions, and helpful examples to add to the lab slides.
- CIO: Update the notes to include in the weekly review email to the class.
Every week of the quarter: Sunday 9PM PA,CA,LA and reflection are due
- CFM: add notable themes/feedback/examples, summarize the results (to share with the class and/or discuss during the meeting)
- CFM: start addressing reflections (by creating resources in zyBooks) and work with the TEAM / CLO to send follow-up messages
- CRK: Finalize and share the agenda
- ALL: review the agenda, add discussion/decision points
- CFM: add the discussion items based on the collected notes
- ALD: add the link to the slides for the labs
- CLO / ALD: Review the practice quiz, show examples addressing common errors
- CAE: Finalize the weekly quiz and its versions @9pm
- CGM: collect zyBooks grades and upload them to the gradebook @9:30pm
- CGM: grade the reflection responses and upload them to the gradebook @9:30pm
- 9pm Quiz Regrade window closes (Monday 9AM)
11:59PM Practice quiz closes
- CAC: Release the practice quiz @00:00AM
- CLO, CAE: Prep for the next session: review the practice quiz results / note common errors; Look at the results/feedback from the practice quiz; Finalize the quiz.
- ALL: read the CFM’s notes
- CLD: Make necessary corrections based on the feedback; Finalize labs and lab activities.
- CGM: After the Gradescope regrade window closes, collect the quiz grades and upload them to the gradebook.
- CLO: Review labs and quizzes to finalize the in-class activities addressing common errors.
- ALL: Weekly Meeting at 9:30PM
- CRK: Take notes on the agenda and decision points, assign action items by tagging mentors via comments in the doc
- CLD: Discuss the labs and lab activities to prepare the team for the week
- ALD: discuss the notes for the lab slides
- CFM: discuss the action items from the notes
- CLO: Communicate with the CAE if there will be a quiz tomorrow
- 9am PA due
9:30am pop-quiz goes live
- CNM: Take, format, share the notes taken during the class session.
- CLO: Review the examples of practice quiz questions, show examples addressing common errors
- If Quiz on Gauchospace
- CAE: Verify the settings/dates for the weekly quiz and its versions
- CAO: After the quiz: Look over the quiz answers and verify that they are graded correctly, before releasing the scores.
- CLO: Post the recording and session notes
- CLD: Release labs @1pm (to give students enough time to look over the labs/get started before the lab session)
- CLM: Post lab recordings @10am
- CLM / ALL: Check participation for the zyLab breakout room.
- ALL: save the questions asked during the labs and send them to CNM to add them and the answers to the “Lab activities” optional lab.
- CLO: Review the quiz results / note common errors; prepare/update class activity
- CIO / CLO: Review the week so far and draft the weekly review email, adding notes/questions based on the experience from labs and lecture.
- CFM: Assemble the weekly reflection form / verify and set the questions
- CLO: Communicate with the CAE if there will be a quiz tomorrow
- CFM + ALL: Finalize the reflection form, adding necessary questions based on the experience from labs and lecture
9:30am Gauchospace/Gradescope Quiz goes live.
- CNM: Take, format, share the notes taken during the class session.
- If Quiz on Gradescope
- CAE: Verify the settings/dates for the weekly quiz and its versions
- CLO: Post the recording and session notes.
- CAE / CAO: Grade the Quiz and finalize grades by @9pm
- CAE / CAO + CLO / CIO: Draft the quiz grades release email, following the template / addressing important points that came up (to include in the weekly review).
- ALD / CLD: Begin working on the labs / slides for next week.
- CLO: Release the weekly reflection form - Thursday 1PM
- ALL: Read the next week’s chapter and work through the PAs and CAs.
- CLD: Assemble labs and lab activities for next week, add them to zyBooks, listing the learning objectives for each; create tests to check various cases; assign specific labs to pairs of mentors.
- ALL: proofread and solve labs, confirm that all tests pass, and learning objectives match the task, sending CLD and ALD corrections and clarifications.
- ALD: Work with CLD, CFM, and CCO to create a draft of the handouts/slides for the labs, and prepare and assemble resources and lab activities. Make sure that slides address common challenges and misconceptions, and contain helpful examples (also shared in the resources).
- ALD: Review slides and activities from previous quarters to customize for the labs this quarter.
- CAC: Create the practice quiz
- ALL / CAE / CLO / CLD: Take the practice quiz, send feedback/corrections to CAC
- CFM: Pull out the patterns from the weekly reflection form, work with the CIO and CLO to draft the weekly / follow-up messages
- CIO: Finalize the complete draft of the review of the week as an email to the class; ping CLO to verify/approve
- CIO / CLO: Send the weekly review email / prep for next week.
- ALL: Finish reading the chapter and work through the PAs and CAs.
- CLD: ping the team when the labs are ready for review: assign specific labs to pairs of mentors to proofread and solve, confirm that all tests pass, and learning objectives match the task.
- ALL: work through the labs, sending CLD and ALD corrections and clarifications
- CAC and CAE: Assemble the weekly quiz and its versions
- ALL: Take the practice quiz, send feedback/corrections to CAE
- CLO / CLD: Use the questions and concepts to inspire or as part of the labs.
- CFM: begin addressing reflections (by creating resources in zyBooks) and work with the CIO / CLO to send follow-up messages
- CFM / CLO: read over the past reflections/summaries/notes for the upcoming week